
Com­plex robot appli­ca­tions sim­ply implemented

acp sys­tems AG

Inno­v­a­tive solu­tion for demand­ing automa­tion tasks


Whether it’s com­plex clean­ing oper­a­tions with the dry quat­tro­Clean snow-jet tech­nol­ogy, the appli­ca­tion of flex­i­ble foils and sub­strates to curved sur­faces, or the high-pre­ci­sion grind­ing and pol­ish­ing of free-form sur­faces – these are just a few of the typ­i­cal tasks that robots are capa­ble of per­form­ing effi­ciently, reli­ably and repro­ducibly. Despite this, man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­nies with low to mid-sized prod­uct vol­umes, an exten­sive or fre­quently chang­ing range of parts, or which process com­plex com­po­nents, are often par­tic­u­larly reluc­tant to imple­ment robots. The rea­son for this is not the hard­ware – a wide vari­ety of robots are now avail­able at com­par­a­tively low cost.

The stum­bling block is plan­ning, com­pil­ing and main­tain­ing the robot pro­grams. Up till now, this involved a great deal of effort as well as man­u­fac­turer-depen­dent pro­gram­ming spe­cial­ists, which also cost a lot of money. Pro­gram­ming com­plex motion sequences for sen­sor- based appli­ca­tions is a par­tic­u­lar challenge.


Fast and effi­cient pro­gram­ming with inno­v­a­tive tool

acp sys­tems AG, which spe­cial­izes in com­plex automa­tion tasks, such as those encoun­tered in indus­trial parts clean­ing and sur­face treat­ment as well as micro­dos­ing and the devel­op­ment of intel­li­gent han­dling solu­tions, has over­come these hur­dles with the inno­v­a­tive soft­ware solu­tion from ArtiMinds Robotics. The ArtiMinds Robot Pro­gram­ming Suite (RPS) makes it pos­si­ble to intu­itively pro­gram robots from many dif­fer­ent and well-known man­u­fac­tur­ers, includ­ing the com­pat­i­ble periph­eral hard­ware such as grip­pers, cam­eras and force-torque sen­sors, with­out you hav­ing to write a sin­gle line of code your­self. To this end, offline and online pro­gram­ming are seam­lessly com­bined, enabling pro­grams to be effi­ciently gen­er­ated and con­sis­tently planned, pro­grammed and put into operation.


Up till now, numer­ous costly pro­gram­ming hours, exten­sive test runs, and adjust­ments were required to pre­cisely adapt the motion path to the shape of strongly struc­tured com­po­nents or curved sur­faces. The fact that CAD data for path gen­er­a­tion and sen­sory com­po­nents can be inte­grated with ArtiMinds RPS sig­nif­i­cantly sim­pli­fies and short­ens robot pro­gram­ming for such com­plex appli­ca­tions. In addi­tion, any nec­es­sary changes can be made quickly and effi­ciently in-house by acp systems.


Solve com­plex automa­tion tasks easily

The fol­low­ing exam­ple illus­trates the result­ing advan­tages. Dur­ing the auto­mated quat­tro­Clean process to clean strongly-struc­tured com­po­nents with free-form sur­faces, under­cuts, and inte­grated pipes, the robot must be capa­ble of pre­cisely tra­vers­ing com­plex path curves and geome­tries. Using con­ven­tional tech­niques to pro­gram and align these motion sequences is extremely dif­fi­cult and time-con­sum­ing and requires a great deal of expert knowledge.
In con­trast, CAD parts data can be eas­ily imported into the 3D sim­u­la­tion envi­ron­ment and offline pro­gram­ming with the ArtiMinds RPS soft­ware tool, which then gen­er­ates the nec­es­sary motion paths auto­mat­i­cally. The sequence of the var­i­ous processes, i.e. the move­ments and work steps that the robot has to per­form dur­ing clean­ing, is gen­er­ated by drag­ging and drop­ping pre- pro­grammed func­tion mod­ules. The robot’s teach-in mode can then be used to align the sequence to the part and thus test the pro­gram. In the last step, the gen­er­ated pro­gram is auto­mat­i­cally trans­lated into the robot’s tar­get lan­guage. Sup­ple­mented by process- and task-spe­cific para­me­ters, such as jet time, pres­sure and vol­ume flows for car­bon diox­ide and com­pressed air, as well as the num­ber of jet noz­zles, the appli­ca­tion can be effec­tively auto­mated with robots in a com­par­a­tively short time.
When apply­ing foils and sub­strates, includ­ing touch foils and flex­i­ble PCB’s to curved sur­faces, it is essen­tial to avoid air pock­ets or par­tic­u­late con­t­a­m­i­na­tion. In addi­tion, the robot has to peel off the pro­tec­tive layer with­out dam­ag­ing the foil under­neath. To ensure this, the robot has a grip­per mod­elled on the human hand that holds the foil as a roll and applies it to the sur­face with­out entrap­ping any air. This task is also one of the appli­ca­tions that places high demands on robot pro­gram­ming when it comes to automa­tion. Up till now, numer­ous costly pro­gram­ming hours, exten­sive test runs, and adjust­ments were required to pre­cisely adapt the motion path to the respec­tive free-form sur­face. The fact that CAD data for path gen­er­a­tion and sen­sory com­po­nents can be inte­grated promises to sig­nif­i­cantly sim­plify and shorten robot pro­gram­ming for these appli­ca­tions as well. In addi­tion, any nec­es­sary changes can be made quickly and effi­ciently in-house.


„From com­plex dry-clean­ing appli­ca­tions to the appli­ca­tion of flex­i­ble foils to curved sur­faces to high-pre­ci­sion grind­ing and pol­ish­ing of free-form sur­faces, the ArtiMinds RPS soft­ware solu­tion enables easy pro­gram­ming of robots includ­ing the com­pat­i­ble periph­eral hard­ware such as grip­pers, cam­eras, force-torque sen­sors, with­out you hav­ing to write a sin­gle line of code yourself.“

acp sys­tems AG

Take Aways from acp sys­tems when using ArtiMinds RPS:

  • Offline and online pro­gram­ming are seam­lessly com­bined, enabling pro­grams to be effi­ciently gen­er­ated and con­sis­tently planned, pro­grammed and put into operation.
  • The graph­i­cal, intu­itive user inter­face and pre-pro­grammed func­tion blocks make it pos­si­ble to solve com­plex automa­tion tasks even with lit­tle or no pro­gram­ming knowledge.
  • Offline pro­gram­ming: Using CAD data, paths can be gen­er­ated auto­mat­i­cally and thus robot pro­grams can be adapted quickly and cost-effec­tively to dif­fer­ent com­po­nent geometries.
  • Path plan­ning for com­plex geome­tries and inte­gra­tion of sen­sory com­po­nents with­out hav­ing to write a sin­gle line of robot code.


In just a few min­utes, we will show you how to plan, pro­gram, oper­ate, ana­lyze and opti­mize robot appli­ca­tions cost-effi­ciently, intu­itively and eas­ily with ArtiMinds RPS.

The non-bind­ing free online demo is the per­fect way to get a first impres­sion of the soft­ware, the appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio and if it suits your needs.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Florian Geike Online Demo
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ArtiMinds Robot Programming Suite

MUCH MORE THAN JUST SIM­PLE ROBOT PRO­GRAM­MING: With RPS you cre­ate cross-process stan­dard­iza­tion – from plan­ning and pro­gram­ming to maintenance.