Effi­cient pro­gram­ming and teach­ing of cobots from Uni­ver­sal Robots

ArtiMinds – The soft­ware for col­lab­o­ra­tive robots from UR

Col­lab­o­ra­tive robots – cobots – from Uni­ver­sal Robots are pro­grammed either via the UR user inter­face Poly­scope or via script code in URScript. For offline pro­gram­ming and sim­u­la­tion of robot pro­grams, Uni­ver­sal Robots (UR) offers the sim­u­la­tion soft­ware URSim.
ArtiMinds RPS soft­ware com­bines online and offline pro­gram­ming in one sin­gle soft­ware solu­tion and sig­nif­i­cantly reduces the pro­gram­ming effort, espe­cially for sen­sor-adap­tive robot appli­ca­tions. The soft­ware as well as the free plu­gin ArtiMinds Essen­tials are cer­ti­fied by Uni­ver­sal Robots and there­fore the right soft­ware pack­age to imple­ment a com­plete UR solu­tion and the deploy­ment of UR cobots.

The Dan­ish com­pany Uni­ver­sal Robots is the world mar­ket leader for col­lab­o­ra­tive robots. The cobots are used in almost all indus­tries, as the light­weight and flex­i­ble robot arms are allowed to col­lab­o­rate with humans under cer­tain con­di­tions and are suit­able for a wide vari­ety of appli­ca­tions. In addi­tion to its port­fo­lio of col­lab­o­ra­tive robots, Uni­ver­sal Robots also offers numer­ous com­po­nents such as the ArtiMinds soft­ware pack­age in the UR+ ecosys­tem, which opti­mally sup­port the inte­gra­tion and deploy­ment of UR cobot applications.

ArtiMinds RPS sup­ports all cobots from Uni­ver­sal Robots with CB-3 and e-series con­troller as well as the built-in force-torque sen­sor. Robots with CB-2 con­troller are par­tially sup­ported as well – let´s dis­cuss your spe­cific project and needs per­son­ally >>Con­tact us.
In addi­tion, the free ArtiMinds Essen­tials URCap Plu­gin cer­ti­fied by UR enables easy and fast guid­ance of the robot arm – espe­cially with force con­trol.
The light­weight robots are avail­able in dif­fer­ent sizes and pay­loads and are there­fore suit­able for assem­bly, screw­ing, or pack­ag­ing tasks as well as for machine assem­bly or mate­r­ial handling.

Universal Robots programming with ArtiMinds

The light­weight robots are avail­able in dif­fer­ent sizes and pay­loads and are there­fore suit­able for assem­bly, screw­ing, or pack­ag­ing tasks as well as for machine assem­bly or mate­r­ial handling.

We would be happy to show you in an online demo which advan­tages the soft­ware pack­ages of ArtiMinds offer you when pro­gram­ming light­weight robots of Uni­ver­sal Robots and how you can solve much more than sim­ple han­dling tasks.

UR Cobot Pro­gram­ming in Practice

Why pro­gram­ming cobots from Uni­ver­sal Robots with ArtiMinds?

The sim­u­la­tion soft­ware URSim allows you to sim­u­late the teach pen­dant on the PC with­out a real robot being avail­able. Sim­ple com­mands can thus already be pro­grammed offline. How­ever, when it comes to check­ing reach­a­bil­i­ties and col­li­sions or cre­at­ing robot motions based on CAD files, the soft­ware reaches its lim­its. For these require­ments, the soft­ware ArtiMinds RPS is the ideal com­ple­ment. Via Eth­er­net cable, a con­nec­tion to the real robot can also be estab­lished dur­ing pro­gram­ming. This seam­lessly extends pure offline pro­gram­ming to hybrid online/offline programming.

In addi­tion, the ArtiMinds +Force and +Vision soft­ware pack­ages opti­mally extend the appli­ca­tion range of UR cobots. They enable the imple­men­ta­tion of com­plex tasks that require tac­tile sen­si­tiv­ity and force con­trol or cam­era-based motion, e.g. the assem­bly of THT com­po­nents or cables.

The advan­tage: URScript and Poly­scope pro­grams, which run directly on the cobot’s con­troller, are auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ated by the ArtiMinds software.

For you this means: con­tin­u­ous pro­gram­ming, easy inte­gra­tion of force and vision con­trol, exten­sivesim­u­la­tion fea­tures and more appli­ca­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties, with­out hav­ing to write a sin­gle line of URScript code for your cobot from Uni­ver­sal Robots.


RPS Key Facts

ArtiMinds & Uni­ver­sal Robots – Takeaways

  • ArtiMinds RPS auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ates URScript code and native Poly­scope programs
  • Eas­ily con­nect PLCs, sen­sors and actu­a­tors via dig­i­tal and ana­log I/O interfaces
  • ArtiMinds RPS as an alter­an­tive to URSim: con­tin­u­ous soft­ware solu­tion for online and offline pro­gram­ming, sim­u­la­tion and optimization
  • Use the free URCap plu­gin ArtiMinds Essen­tials for force-con­trolled move­ment of the cobot in “Freedrive” mode
  • Robustly pro­gram force-con­trolled appli­ca­tions thanks to pre­de­fined proven sub-processes

Go for a man­u­fac­turer-inde­pen­dent, flex­i­ble and con­sis­tent automa­tion solu­tion – decide for ArtiMinds.
We would be happy to show you in an online demo which advan­tages the soft­ware pack­ages of ArtiMinds offer you when pro­gram­ming light­weight robots of Uni­ver­sal Robots and how you can solve much more than sim­ple han­dling tasks.

ArtiMinds Robotics – ArtiMinds RPS als Software zur Programmierung von Universal Robots Cobots

How does ArtiMinds sup­port the effi­ciency of your cobot from Uni­ver­sal Robots?

To get the most out of your cobot from Uni­ver­sal Robots, ArtiMinds offers two approaches – ArtiMinds Robot Pro­gram­ming Suite (RPS) and ArtiMinds Learn­ing & Ana­lyt­ics for Robots (LAR).

ArtiMinds Robot Pro­gram­ming Suite (RPS) com­bines as robot pro­gram­ming soft­ware both online and offline pro­gram­ming in an intu­itive way to solve chal­leng­ing robotic tasks of your UR cobot with­out writ­ing a sin­gle line of URScript code. Inte­grate end effec­tors, force torque sen­sors, vision sys­tems and PLC com­mu­ni­ca­tion to cre­ate flex­i­ble automa­tion solutions.

The auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ated robot code runs directly on the UR CB-3 or UR e-series robot con­troller – ArtiMinds RPS requires no addi­tional hardware.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Simplify the programming of your UR Cobot with ArtiMinds RPS

With ArtiMinds Learn­ing & Ana­lyt­ics for Robots (LAR) you get detailed insights into the pro­duc­tion processes of your cobots from Uni­ver­sal Robots (UR). Based on ArtiMinds RPS, live sen­sor data from the robot, force sen­sor, vision sys­tem and end effec­tor are auto­mat­i­cally trans­ferred from the UR CB-3 or UR e-series robot con­troller. The sen­sor data is auto­mat­i­cally anno­tated and per­ma­nently stored in your inter­nal data­base. Ana­lyze this sen­sor data using var­i­ous KPIs and graph­i­cal eval­u­a­tions. In this way, you are able to eas­ily mon­i­tor pro­duc­tion, ana­lyze robot move­ments and opti­mize your URScript programs.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Analyze your Universal Robots robot program with ArtiMinds LAR

What we can do to make cobots from Uni­ver­sal Robots more efficient

With ArtiMinds RPS and LAR we facil­i­tate the devel­op­ment and oper­a­tion of flex­i­ble automa­tion solu­tions with cobots from Uni­ver­sal Robots (UR) in all indus­tries. In addi­tion to sim­ple robot tasks, ArtiMinds RPS espe­cially facil­i­tates pro­gram­ming of sen­sor-based cobot appli­ca­tions. Below you will find some appli­ca­tion exam­ples that have already been imple­mented with the ArtiMinds soft­ware family.



In just a few min­utes, we will show you how to plan, pro­gram, oper­ate, ana­lyze and opti­mize robot appli­ca­tions cost-effi­ciently, intu­itively and eas­ily with ArtiMinds RPS and using Cobots from Uni­ver­sal Robots.

The non-bind­ing free online demo is the per­fect way to get a first impres­sion of the soft­ware, the appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio and if it suits your needs.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Florian Geike Online Demo


Use our free white paper!

Free Robotics White Paper

Robotics for your Company:
Oppor­tu­ni­ties – Obsta­cles & Stum­bling Blocks – Solutions

To help you to avoid typ­i­cal pit­falls when using robots, we high­light the top 5 under­es­ti­mated chal­lenges and stum­bling blocks when get­ting started with robotics and pro­vide you with help­ful tips in the form of short inter­ac­tive check­lists, e.g. for select­ing the right hard­ware and software.

In the white paper you will find answers to the fol­low­ing questions:

  • What ben­e­fits do robots offer your company?
  • What are the top 5 under­es­ti­mated stum­bling blocks when enter­ing robotics?
  • How can you avoid these pitfalls?
  • What are the right com­po­nents and tools?


Com­plete the Form and

Down­load the White Paper