Ana­lyze Process Data – Open Up Effi­ciency Potential

Do some of your pro­duc­tion machiner­ies stop too often due to errors, or do you see room for improve­ment in cycle time? Do you think your pro­duc­tion processes are already per­fectly optimized?

The stand­alone ver­sion of our ArtiMinds Learn­ing & Ana­lyt­ics for Robots (LAR) soft­ware iden­ti­fies prob­lems, error cases and hid­den effi­ciency poten­tial in your exist­ing robot sys­tems and automa­tion processes. Con­tin­u­ous process mon­i­tor­ing and detailed analy­sis of sen­sor and robot data make it easy to find opti­miza­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties, e.g. for greater robust­ness or shorter cycle times, and you can iden­tify improve­ments at a glance.
For process analy­sis, ArtiMinds LAR uses the hard­ware already inte­grated in the pro­duc­tion machiner­ies and inter­faces such as OPC UA and can there­fore be eas­ily retrof­fited at any time – with­out addi­tional new hard­ware investment.