Automa­tion solu­tions and applications

Clas­si­cal and new fields of appli­ca­tion for indus­trial robots

The fields of appli­ca­tion for indus­trial robots are numer­ous and ver­sa­tile. They range from high-per­for­mance han­dling to plug­ging cables, from pal­letiz­ing to force-con­trolled sur­face pro­cess­ing, and many more. They can be found both in clas­sic large-scale pro­duc­tion and in numer­ous new fields of appli­ca­tion for auto­mated robot appli­ca­tions. How­ever, new chal­lenges such as fluc­tu­at­ing pro­duc­tion batch sizes, high vari­ances, shorter pro­duc­tion cycles and a short­age of skilled work­ers must also be man­aged. In order to remain com­pet­i­tive and to be able to guar­an­tee high­est effi­ciency and cost-effec­tive­ness, a flex­i­ble pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ment is required.

Accord­ing to the dif­fer­ent require­ments, indus­trial robots and periph­er­als such as force-torque sen­sors, elec­tric grip­pers and image pro­cess­ing sys­tems like vision sen­sors from dif­fer­ent man­u­fac­tur­ers can be found in a man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­ity. The process from plan­ning to pro­gram­ming up to com­mis­sion­ing of a robot appli­ca­tion is fre­quently very time-con­sum­ing and thus also cost-inten­sive. Fur­ther­more experts are needed to pro­gram the robot in the spe­cific manufacturer’s lan­guage and to man­age ongo­ing optimizations.

ArtiMinds RPS and LAR facil­i­tate the devel­op­ment and oper­a­tion of flex­i­ble automa­tion solu­tions with robots in almost all indus­tries. Typ­i­cal appli­ca­tions include elec­tronic man­u­fac­tur­ing, mechan­i­cal assem­bly, cable & wire har­ness assem­bly, bin pick­ing, qual­ity assur­ance, han­dling and pack­ag­ing, as well as lab­o­ra­tory processes.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Applications manufacturer independent hardware support

Free Robotics White Paper

Robotics for your Company: :
Oppor­tu­ni­ties – Obsta­cles & Stum­bling Blocks – Solutions

In our free white paper, we show which stum­bling blocks you should watch out for when imple­ment­ing robotics appli­ca­tions, how you can avoid them, and give a broad overview of typ­i­cal robot appli­ca­tions and use cases.

Robots have already found their way into larger com­pa­nies some years ago. But small and medium-sized enter­prises (SMEs) have also dis­cov­ered robotics for them­selves and rec­og­nized the advan­tages that robot-based automa­tion can have for them. And large cor­po­ra­tions are increas­ingly work­ing on open­ing up new fields of appli­ca­tion and to inte­grate robotics into more man­u­fac­tur­ing steps.
At first glance, objec­tions of an entry into robotics are the expected high costs, a lack of know-how in the com­pany and an unpre­dictable level of com­plex­ity. Oth­ers are too euphoric and rush ahead with­out a con­crete plan, only to stum­ble over pit­falls they had not pre­vi­ously considered.

To help you to avoid typ­i­cal pit­falls when using robots, we high­light the Top 5 under­es­ti­mated chal­lenges and stum­bling blocks when get­ting started in robotics and pro­vide you with help­ful tips, e.g. for the selec­tion of suit­able hard­ware and soft­ware, in the form of inter­ac­tive checklists.

In the white paper you will find answers to the fol­low­ing questions:

  • What ben­e­fits do robots offer your company?
  • What are the top 5 under­es­ti­mated stum­bling blocks when enter­ing robotics?
  • How can you avoid these pitfalls?
  • Which are the appro­pri­ate com­po­nents and tools?


Com­plete the Form and

Down­load the White Paper for Free

Robot-based automa­tion – that´s what it should look like

  • Flex­i­ble and agile dur­ing deploy­ment and operation.
    Exam­ple: being able to make changes to the hard­ware setup and to adapt the robot pro­gram with­out spe­cial robotics expertise.
  • Robust in pro­gram­ming.
    Exam­ple: com­pen­sa­tion of vari­ances and prod­uct tol­er­ances and pre­ven­tion of inter­face problems.
  • Cost-effec­tive.
    Exam­ple: Your employ­ees are able to inde­pen­dently pro­gram robot processes – and remain­ing inde­pen­dent in the hard­ware selec­tion at the same time.

These and many other fea­tures are offered by the ArtiMinds Robotics soft­ware prod­ucts RPS and LAR!

ArtiMinds RPS and LAR offer solu­tions that were pre­vi­ously not feasible

ArtiMinds is your part­ner to flex­i­bly auto­mate your pro­duc­tion processes and thus, offers com­pa­nies of all sizes soft­ware solu­tions and ser­vices for the pro­gram­ming and oper­a­tion of robot appli­ca­tions. From “sim­ple” to “highly com­plex and demand­ing” tasks, we are the right con­tact for you. The fol­low­ing cus­tomer exam­ple shows how ArtiMinds RPS and LAR make solu­tions pos­si­ble, which have been impos­si­ble so far:

ArtiMinds Robotics customer ZF Friedrichshafen

„Airbags are sewn together in a ZF plant in Por­tu­gal. The chal­lenge is to keep the sewing speed con­stant, even if the airbag does not have a uni­form geom­e­try.” Real­iz­ing this task with a robot proved to be unex­pect­edly dif­fi­cult. Because, accord­ing to Arnold, “The robot sits almost cen­trally from the com­po­nent. This means that depend­ing on how far and at what angle the robot arm has to move, the speed of move­ment would have to be adjusted continuously.”

The col­leagues from Por­tu­gal had tried for sev­eral weeks to solve this task and finally gave up. Even with exter­nal sys­tem inte­gra­tors, the require­ments did not seem to be fea­si­ble. Together with the ArtiMinds project team, ZF was finally able to work out a good solu­tion for the imple­men­ta­tion of the robot program. 

Extract from an ArtiMinds suc­cess story with the cus­tomer ZF Friedrichshafen. Find out the whole story.

ArtiMinds Robotics customer ZF Friedrichshafen airbag sewing

What do you want to automate?

Are you look­ing for a robust, flex­i­ble and afford­able automa­tion solu­tion? ArtiMinds tech­nol­ogy pow­ers not only clas­si­cal high-vol­ume appli­ca­tions but also new appli­ca­tions with high-mix low-vol­ume (HMLV). The unique fea­tures of ArtiMinds RPS and LAR make solu­tions pos­si­ble, which have been impos­si­ble so far.

Talk to our experts about your spe­cific needs, we will be pleased to sup­port you! Please feel free to con­tact us regard­ing your spe­cific appli­ca­tion via the con­tact form.

ArtiMinds-Robotics_Implement robot-supported automation projects efficiently

ArtiMinds for your robotic automa­tion project

ArtiMinds for your robotic automa­tion project

You want to inte­grate new and flex­i­ble automa­tion processes into your workflows?

ArtiMinds is a leader in the devel­op­ment of inno­v­a­tive and sophis­ti­cated robot automa­tion solu­tions, whether as a par­tial or over­all con­cept. Our experts will be happy to pro­vide you with advice and sup­port from con­cep­tual design to imple­men­ta­tion. Get in touch – our spe­cial­ists will pro­vide you with com­pre­hen­sive advice and work with you to develop an ini­tial con­cept or fea­si­bil­ity study.

Write to us and start your automa­tion project with ArtiMinds.


In just a few min­utes, we will show you how to plan, pro­gram, oper­ate, ana­lyze and opti­mize robot appli­ca­tions cost-effi­ciently, intu­itively and eas­ily with ArtiMinds RPS.

The non-bind­ing free online demo is the per­fect way to get a first impres­sion of the soft­ware, the appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio and if it suits your needs.

ArtiMinds Robotics - Florian Geike Online Demo