Meet the Robotics Experts from ArtiMinds!

ArtiMinds at auto­mat­ica 2023

The Lead­ing Exhi­bi­tion for Smart Automa­tion and Robotics

June 27 to 30, 2023 in Munich

Visit us in hall B4, booth 204

ArtiMinds Robotics automatica 2023

As the world’s lead­ing trade fair for smart automa­tion and robotics, auto­mat­ica brings together all key tech­nolo­gies. This makes it a meet­ing point for con­struc­tive and vision­ary cross-sec­toral exchange between indus­trial, research and polit­i­cal representatives.
As world’s lead­ing plat­form for auto­mated smart pro­duc­tion auto­mat­ica offers Robotics, Assembly/ Han­dling Tech­nol­ogy, Machine Vision, and Dig­i­tal Solu­tions for the Smart Fac­tory. With these sec­tors, auto­mat­ica cov­ers the entire value chain from com­po­nents to sys­tems, from ser­vices to appli­ca­tions and trend top­ics such as dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion , arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence , man & machine and sus­tain­able production .

What to expect

At our booth 204 in hall B4, the Future Robotics Hall, we will present you the lat­est ArtiMinds devel­op­ments and advanced robot appli­ca­tions enabled by our soft­ware solu­tions ArtiMinds RPS and ArtiMinds LAR.

You want to learn more? Visit us in Munich from June 27 to 30- a free ticket is already reserved for you. Just fill in the form.

We look for­ward to your visit and our per­sonal exchange!

Get free entrance using our trade fair tickets:

Our trade show high­lights at automatica

To show the range of appli­ca­tions in the field of advanced robotics, this year we present three demo mod­els with robots from Kuka, Fanuc and Uni­ver­sal Robots and a live LAR demo.

Laser-based Cable Assembly

The high­light will be a cable han­dling appli­ca­tion with a Kuka robot that demon­strates the robust detec­tion, grip­ping and join­ing of freely hang­ing, flex­i­ble limp parts. The solu­tion approach devel­oped by ArtiMinds for this com­plex 2.5D appli­ca­tion is based on a com­bi­na­tion of 2D laser scan­ner, force con­trol and the inter­faces and intel­li­gent func­tion tem­plates in ArtiMinds RPS, which were newly devel­oped espe­cially for this pur­pose. The soft­ware first com­putes the scan result with the robot motion to find the cor­rect pickup point and then per­forms a force-con­trolled join­ing operation.

End-of-Line-Test­ing using TPO

As sec­ond use case we show a live teach point opti­miza­tion dur­ing end-of-line test­ing. Here, the robot inserts a test cable into elec­tronic com­po­nents by using force con­trol. The com­po­nents move back and forth on work­piece car­ri­ers on a lin­ear axis. Since the work­piece car­ri­ers have dif­fer­ent tol­er­ances, the robot auto­mat­i­cally opti­mizes the approach posi­tion and cycle time to com­pen­sate for the drift.

CAD2Path Demo

A model with a robot from UR demon­strates how tool paths can be cre­ated auto­mat­i­cally for com­po­nents such as molded shells with com­plex con­tours. With the CAD2Path fea­ture of ArtiMinds, CAD mod­els can be loaded into the soft­ware, from which paths can be gen­er­ated to then exe­cute a force-con­trolled move­ment along these paths.

LAR Demo

As a cen­tral data hotspot, the LAR demo aggre­gates all real-time sen­sor data from the three appli­ca­tions. The forces and tol­er­ances occur­ring in the process are auto­mat­i­cally ana­lyzed and eval­u­ated and clearly visu­al­ized on dash­boards together with infor­ma­tion such as cycle times, run­time or error messages.

We look for­ward to pre­sent­ing the use cases and exhibits live and in per­son from June 27-30. To receive your free day pass for auto­mat­ica click HERE…

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