ArtiMinds: High­lights & Exhibits at auto­mat­ica 2023

The Lead­ing Exhi­bi­tion for Smart Automa­tion and Robotics


ArtiMinds Robotics automatica 2023

We would like to thank all vis­i­tors for four excit­ing and inten­sive days at auto­mat­ica in Munich. More than 40,000 vis­i­tors met at the world’s lead­ing trade fair for smart automa­tion and robotics from June 27 to 30 .

Below you will find an overview of the new ArtiMinds devel­op­ments and advanced robot appli­ca­tions that were pre­sented at our booth in Hall B4. Our short trade fair video shows you the best high­lights & impressions.

We are already look­ing for­ward to wel­com­ing you again at auto­mat­ica in 2025!

Impres­sions from auto­mat­ica 2023 – ArtiMinds says thank you!

Auto­matic Teach Point Opti­miza­tion dur­ing Operation

To demon­strate the pos­si­bil­i­ties of auto­matic teach point opti­miza­tion, a Fanuc robot inserts a flex­i­ble test cable into elec­tronic com­po­nents and releases it again. The com­po­nents move back and forth on work­piece car­ri­ers on a lin­ear axis.

Using the HMI, vis­i­tors had the option of set­ting a drift for the indi­vid­ual work­piece car­ri­ers to sim­u­late tol­er­ances. Via ArtiMinds LAR, the robot was able to auto­mat­i­cally relearn the opti­mal approach posi­tion, result­ing in auto­matic cycle time opti­miza­tion and no downtime.

CAD2Path Demo

The UR exhibit demon­strated how the CAD2Path fea­ture can be used to auto­mat­i­cally cre­ate tool paths for com­plex con­tours based on CAD mod­els in order to sim­plify path plan­ning, e.g. for sur­face processing.

CAD2Path Demo

The UR exhibit demon­strated how the CAD2Path fea­ture can be used to auto­mat­i­cally cre­ate tool paths for com­plex con­tours based on CAD mod­els in order to sim­plify path plan­ning, e.g. for sur­face processing.

Laser-based Cable Assembly

Trade show high­light was be a cable han­dling appli­ca­tion with a Kuka robot that demon­strates the robust detec­tion, grip­ping and join­ing of freely hang­ing, flex­i­ble limp parts. The solu­tion approach devel­oped by ArtiMinds for this com­plex 2.5D appli­ca­tion is based on a com­bi­na­tion of 2D laser scan­ner, force con­trol and the inter­faces and intel­li­gent func­tion tem­plates in ArtiMinds RPS, which were newly devel­oped espe­cially for this pur­pose. The soft­ware first com­putes the scan result with the robot motion to find the cor­rect pickup point and then per­forms a force-con­trolled join­ing operation.

UR Live Demo

At the UR live demo, vis­i­tors had the oppor­tu­nity to pro­gram a force-con­trolled appli­ca­tion, where a hydraulic valve had to be joined into a tight fit, and to man­u­ally test the degree of dif­fi­culty dur­ing join­ing them­selves. The forces were eval­u­ated and visu­al­ized using ArtiMinds LAR.

UR Live Demo

At the UR live demo, vis­i­tors had the oppor­tu­nity to pro­gram a force-con­trolled appli­ca­tion, where a hydraulic valve had to be joined into a tight fit, and to man­u­ally test the degree of dif­fi­culty dur­ing join­ing them­selves. The forces were eval­u­ated and visu­al­ized using ArtiMinds LAR.